Sunday, January 07, 2018

A Little Rough Patch in the Journey

As Anna continues to hold the reins of control in her medical journey, I am usually now just observing (and praying!).  And she still asks for my advice sometimes---like which doctor should she call---on a Sunday morning, should she call Hershey or just go to Urgent Care?  When the issue in question is the eye, my immediate response is "call Hershey."  Anna woke up this morning thinking she had pink eye.  She did call the Eye Center at Hershey, as the on-call ophthalmologist wanted to see her as soon as she could get there.

She may or may not have pink eye (conjunctivitis).  In fact, the doctor didn't give her any antibiotics.  But he did find some inflammation in the front of the eye (the right eye this time---not the left eye, which has the most complications).  He said that it's very possible the inflammation was causing the itchiness and irritability and redness. So he prescribed some increased Pred Forte drops for the next two days and an appointment to see her retina specialist on Tuesday morning.  Anna has been dealing with a cold virus, which has likely exacerbated her eye issues.

While Anna was driving herself to Hershey and taking care of her medical needs, I was with my small group at church, going over some very wise words from James MacDonald in his "Lord, Change My Attitude" study.  MacDonald was talking about "a specific combination of circumstances that might be stretching us or about something He's allowed to keep us close and humble . . . instead of disrespecting God with [our] complaints, see this as your best opportunity to draw near to Him and let Him provide what you need for the situation."   So that's the perspective we will take with this bumpy stretch of road in Anna's JA Journey.  

I have come to the point where I realize that we have little control over Anna's uveitis issues.  We're doing the best we can by partnering with doctors whom we respect and trust.  The rest is in God's hands.  There are so many little things to be thankful for----that we live within a relatively short distance to the medical center, that as soon as Anna calls and explains who she is, who her doctor is, and her present situation, they say, "Come right now," even on a cold, Sunday morning when the doctor also has to drive to the Eye Center just to see her.  We can be thankful that she drove herself home with no problem, even though her eyes had been dilated (she didn't tell me that until she was safely home---she knows I don't like her driving with dilated eyes).  We can be thankful that she will see her retina specialist in two days, instead of waiting until January 24th (her previously scheduled appointment).  We are very thankful that this is
all happening before she heads back to college this week.  (When she started having some cold symptoms, I told her that if she was going to get sick, at least it's happening about a week before classes begin again, and before she goes back to dorm living!)

Some of you who read this are believers and pray for Anna.  Thank you so much!  The fervent prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective.  In these combination of circumstances, God has indeed provided for our needs in so many ways. I never want to take that for granted.  

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